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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Orange Juice

The taste of orange juice,
reminds me of you;
an acrid taste inside my mouth
coupled with an articifical sweetness.

This shouldn't be. 
You are the sweetest guy I've ever met.

I constantly miss
the taste of you;
your tongue inside my mouth.
Coupled with you, that's real sugar.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kitchen Disaster

Every time I go home,
I bake.
I bake, and I bake and I bake,
Until my mom groans and bemoans
that I ruin her diet, with my sweets.

But it is a compulsion-
Where real life is suspended
for easy choices and pre-cooked meals.

But I like to bake,
a safe place for me:
where I can still fail and not feel
too bad about kitchen disasters
I can later throw away.

The time I made the Tangerine Soufflé,
Complete disaster.
Forever to juice,
zesting my knuckles instead;
perfect curls ending up smushed.

But I misread the directions
Left out a key component
And when I smelled something burning
I thought all was lost.

But I managed to salvage my creation
burned parts scraped off,
lots of whipped cream;
A little slice of orangey heaven.

Even though the rest of it,
Which my family didn’t eat,
just sat in the fridge,
until I finally threw it out.